
<超好聽>吳思賢 - 愛你剛剛好《愛的3.14159》電視劇片頭曲 [高音質新歌]

加入 2018-09-03 06:34:02 | 長度: 3分21秒 | 類別: 歌曲
人氣 25270
評分 5
評論 76
書籤 4

分享電影的心得 可樂要一起喝 牽著手散熱 穿你最愛的顏色 冷笑話逗妳的 只是剛剛好 愛妳只是剛剛好 妳瞭 所以放心將我找個出口 有妳陪陪我 其實還蠻好 愛妳其實還蠻好 妳瞭 All the stars light up when I see my boo Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool When I think of you When I think of you All the stars light up when I see my boo Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool When I think of you When I think of you 把妳寫成歌 走心唱和完美的契合 一首我就該傻了 情緒就對了 只是剛剛好 愛妳只是剛剛好 妳瞭 所以放心將我在我懷中 有妳陪陪我 其實還蠻好 愛妳其實還蠻好 妳瞭 All the stars light up when I see my boo Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool When I think of you When I think of you All the stars light up when I see my boo Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool When I think of you When I think of you 滿天星亮了 盡全力保護妳的快樂 奇蹟發生了 妳可愛的每一刻 我負責 All the stars light up when I see my boo Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool When I think of you When I think of you All the stars light up when I see my boo Got my tongue tied up and I loose my cool When I think of you When I think of you

